Monday, December 16, 2019

Day 7 Thankfulness and Giving

On, this the last day of my seven days of thankfulness and giving, I reserved it for my new family.  Without boring  you with a historical view of my life through the looking glass, just look back at day 1 of this practice to see that I made a lot of mistakes along the way and that my journey to my new family was very much like Linus in that it took me a long time, the ability for Andy to break down a lot of walls to be able to trust again, and having faith in the path to them.

To help you see why I am so thankful for my new family, I want to tell you about a tradition that I was brought into even before I was officially a part of the family.  Christmas is a big deal and the entire family comes together for a week of visits, good food and board games.  On Christmas Eve, it is a more formal dinner with extended family, and we stay until the evening.  Then Andy and I leave for the evening to head back to our house.  At 4:30 AM we get up and make our way back to Andy’s parent’s house, because we get to play Santa Claus.  We sneak into the house with all the presents and put them under the tree, we eat the cookies left out for Santa (bonus) and fill the stockings.  Andy’s mom leaves us blankets so that we can nap on the couches until the kids wake in the morning. It is pure chaos in the morning when the kids wake, as they scream that Santa has been there and we joke that we slept through it again and that we can’t believe Santa is so quiet that we could be on the couch right by the fireplace and not wake up.

The second part of the tradition is that each year we make an ornament for Andy’s mom.  The ornament is from significant that has happened in our lives in the year.  When we come in, we hide them on the tree and when she gets up in the morning with the kids, she gets to search the tree to find all the new ornaments added for the year.  Andy’s mom and I have also entered into a tradition that we try to find the most meaningful gift for the other, you know, that one gift that would bring tears to the other’s eyes.  Two years ago, I won, but last year, last year she won and I may not ever be able to provide another gift with as much meaning, last year she gave me my very own stocking to be hung on the chimney. That stocking represented the greatest gift of all; the gift of family.

This, my friends, if you are still reading, is why I am so very thankful for my family. In the words of the Grinch, my heart grew three sizes and I am filled with love for all the wonderful people in my life, whom I chose to call my family.

Thank you for following my seven days. I have one extra charity on the list today, as I didn’t want to leave anyone off.  We have successfully provided donations to all charities on the wish list, 29 in total!!

To show my appreciation and thankfulness for what I have today, I have made a $20.00 donation to each of the following charities:

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